LAFAYETTE, Calif. – U.S. mail carrier Jeff Gostomski, or “Postman Jeff” as he’s known affectionately to residents along his route, rolled up to each house Tuesday morning as he does every day, making sure mail gets delivered on time.
On this day, though, something was different.
“You know I’m not going to get any work done today. They’ll probably end up firing me for that,” Jeff Gostomski said, chuckling as he put the mail into a mailbox near Happy Valley Road in Lafayette.
After 47 years as a mail carrier, Gostomski has decided to retire. On his final day, the neighbors who have known Gostomski for years or, in some cases, their lifetimes, put signs out in their mailboxes showing their gratitude for his nearly half decade of service.
“I started in August of 1977,” Gostomski said.