Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

A letter from a northern California postal worker: “We need to flex our muscles as ‘essential workers’”

February 17, 2025

READ FULL ARTICLE AT » www.wsws.org

As a displaced worker for almost eight months due to a private industry layoff, I searched for some sort of steady income. I was unable to land a similar position to my last job and my savings were circling the drain. One place that had plastered “NOW HIRING” signs on its walls was the US Postal Service, commonly known as USPS or the Post Office.

We, as postal workers, need to flex our actual power as “essential workers.” Of course, deeply reactionary federal and state laws prohibit public workers from striking. What’s the point of having a union if the biggest weapon we have is taken out of our arsenal? I propose we do a wildcat strike and ground the nation’s mail to a halt. Perhaps then they’ll listen to our reasonable demands of a day’s fair wages for a day’s fair work. Our current presidential administration is performing executive actions despite what the Constitution and our laws outline. “Let the courts sort it out,” is their motto. Let our motto be: “We’ll back the working class no matter what.”

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