Postal worker robberies and other mail thefts are becoming a daily event. These are the ones I found today.

Police: Suspect arrested after USPS Collections Box set on fire, damaging 20 mailed ballots
Officials said 35-year-old Dieter Bradford Klofkorn was arrested in connection with the arson.

USPS offers $150K reward after armed robber of letter carrier
The U.S. Postal Service wants to know who held up one of its letter carriers and is paying big bucks to track him down.
Suspects rob South San Francisco letter carrier
Two teenagers were arrested Monday after allegedly robbing a United States Postal Service letter carrier in South San Francisco, according to police

Berkeley mail carrier robbed hours after mail was stolen from a USPS truck
Both incidents are part of an increasing crime trend for the postal service and may explain why some residents haven’t received ballots.