Tue. Feb 11th, 2025

OPM Announces Resources for Postal Service Health Benefit Program Enrollees

September 19, 2024 ,


WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) today shared new enrollee resources ahead of the inaugural launch of the Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program this Open Season. Resources include a new landing page with details for PSHB enrollees; information about auto-enrollment where Postal employees will be automatically transitioned from their current plan to a comparable plan in the new PSHB program; and a page providing information on cost savings for enrollees who are also signed up for Medicare Part B or Medicare Advantage through PSHB.

The Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program, is a new, separate program within the FEHB program, the creation of which was directed by the Postal Service Reform Act. The PSHB program will be administered by OPM, and will provide health insurance to eligible Postal Service employees, Postal Service annuitants, and their eligible family members starting in 2025. PSHB coverage will replace FEHB Program coverage for these groups. Postal Service members will be able to view coverage details and make changes during the upcoming 2024 Open Season, which will run from November 11, 2024, through December 9, 2024.

New Landing Page
OPM is rolling out this resource page for Postal employees, annuitants, and family members as they transition to their new PSHB health coverage. The landing page provides extensive program information and will be updated with additional guidance as we approach Open Season. Visit the landing page here.

Auto Enrollment
Every current FEHB member who is a Postal employee, annuitant, or family member will be automatically enrolled in a PSHB equivalent plan for the 2025 benefit year. This auto-enrollment will ensure no enrollee is left without coverage, even if an enrollee takes no action during the upcoming transitional Open Season. Over 90% of Postal Service enrollees will be automatically enrolled into a PSHB plan option that is equivalent to the 2025 benefits and cost sharing of their current plan option. See the auto-enrollment mapping tool here.

Ahead of Open Season, OPM will send all Postal Service enrollees a personalized letter informing them of the PSHB plan they are being automatically enrolled in and explaining how to select a new plan during Open Season if they desire.

Cost Savings for Medicare Enrollees
Many 2025 PSHB plans will offer cost savings to their enrollees who are also signed up for Medicare. Examples of these savings may include Part B premium reimbursement, waived deductibles, and waived cost-sharing for certain medical services. OPM is releasing a guide that allows consumers to compare PSHB plan benefits for enrollees with or without Medicare. See the new resource page listing potential cost savings here.

The United States Postal Service also previously issued fact sheets on the PSHB program – one for current Postal employees, and one for Postal annuitants.

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