Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

Mail found scattered along side of Dayton road

October 30, 2024


DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) — Pieces of mail was scattered and spotted near an intersection in Dayton.

Montgomery County Regional Dispatch confirmed to 2 NEWS officers were called around 10 a.m. to the area of S. Edwin C Moses and Wisconsin boulevards for a report of debris in the roadway.

When our 2 NEWS crew arrived at the scene, they saw what appeared to be mail along the roadway.

A spokesperson for USPS told 2 NEWS that one of its contractors didn’t secure the contents before leaving the facility, which resulted in the contents reportedly coming out of the vehicle.

A contractor hauling undeliverable bulk business mail to a recycling center for the Postal Service did not properly secure their truck load after leaving a postal facility. As a result, the truck’s contents came loose along the road today. The items on the truck were not live mail. USPS employees assisted the contractor at the scene and cleared the area.”

USPS spokesperson

Dayton Police also confirmed neither personal mail nor absentee ballots were on the truck or in the road.

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